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page 6

The English to Portuguese thesaurus provides alphabetic indexing of 9,500 English glosses along with their respective Portuguese glosses, helping Deaf Brazilians use LIBRAS to read English, and helping English readers locate any given Brazilian sign, even if they do not know Portuguese words. Thus, the Brazilian Sign Language Dictionary is useful to international Sign Language linguists, who may wish to study Brazilian Sign Language.

Semantic Index
The semantic index provides thematic categories, and the semantic content distributes all Brazililan signs in them, helping readers locate semantically related signs and improve sign learning, comprehension and use.




Credits & Sponsors
Contributing Authors
Volume One:
ISBN: 85-314-0600-5
Volume Two:
ISBN: 85-314-0603-X


The Brazilian Sign Language Dictionary
A Two-Volume Encyclopedia
on Brazilian Sign Language

For Information, write to:
Dr. Fernando Capovilla, Editor
Email: capovilla@usp.br

To Purchase in Brazil

Contact the Library of the Psychology Institute - University of São Paulo
Serviço de Biblioteca e Documentação do Instituto de Psicologia da USP
Av. Prof. Mello Moraes, 1721,
São Paulo, SP, 05508-900, Brazil
Fax (11) 3818-4392
Telephone: (11) 3818-4300
or (11) 3818-4392

To Purchase Outside Brazil

Contact the University of
São Paulo Publishing House
Editora da Universidade de São Paulo
Avenida Prof. Luciano Gualberto,
Travessa J. 374, 6 andar - Ed. da Antiga Reitoria - Cidade Universitaria
05508-900, Sao Paulo - SP - Brasil
Fax: (11) 3818-4151
Telephone: (11) 3818-4008
or (11) 3818-4150
Email: edusp@edu.usp.br
Web: https://www.usp.br/edusp


...SignWriting in Brazil Directory...