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From:  Valerie Sutton
Date:  Tue Aug 31, 1999  1:27 am
Subject:  Glossing vs. SignWriting

James Womack wrote:
>1. English glossing actually confused Deaf kids trying to learn
>English where ASL is "written" to provide contrast in grammar etc.
>(but it better than nothing). Too many kids that "it isn't English
>but it's English?" dumbfounded look for good reason.


James -
This is important there a published study on glossing and
its effects on Deaf children?

I am also curious about glossing in other countries - Do other countries
use word-glosses to represent the sentence structure of their signed

Since there are oftentimes several different signs that can represent one
word, I can certainly see why Deaf kids could get confused...

Valerie ;-)

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