Open Source Code For SignWriter 4.3

Would you like to receive the source code for SignWriter 4.3, for MS-DOS? It is written in Microsoft Pascal and Assembly Language. Some programmers use the old source code to assist in developing new programs for SignWriting. To receive the sources...

1. Write a report, stating your goals.
What do you want to achieve, using the SignWriter 4.3 source code? Write this report as an email message, and send it to:

Valerie Sutton

Once this report is approved, it will be posted publicly to the SignWriting List, and will be posted here, on the SignWriting Software Developer's Forum. You will receive your own web page.

2. Provide a shareware version of your new software
In your report, please state that you promise to provide a shareware (or freeware) version of any new software that is developed, based on the SignWriter 4.3 source code. We are a nonprofit, and we want the world to benefit from our sources. If a new piece of software really evolves from this work, then we hope to have this new "shareware available for download" from some web site, either ours or another one, doesn't matter.

3. The sources will be sent to you as attached files
Once your report is posted, I will send you the sources as attached files to an email message. We hope that you will stay in touch with us, to keep abreast of the latest developments in SignWriting. It is preferred that you are a member of the SignWriting List.

Many thanks for your interest in developing new SignWriting software!!

Valerie Sutton